The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to define the manner in which the website should be utilized regarding the use of the personal data of the users and visitors to the website. These regulations might also be found in Article 13 of the D.lgs/196/03 of the Italian Penal Code. The laws were enacted to protect the private data of individuals visiting Italian websites and the website This policy refers only to the above-mentioned website. The website is the property of and is managed by Patricia Franceschetti – Via Aurelia Sud, 47b 55045 Pietrasanta (LU). Patricia Franceschetti guarantees that it will follow to the letter the norms set out, regarding the use of personal data, in Article 13 of the D.lgs/196/03 of the Italian Penal Code. Users and visitors to the Patricia Franceschetti website are respectfully requested to read the Privacy Policy before sending out any personal information and/or compiling and sending information through the compilation of the electronic information request form present on the website.

Optional supply of data

1. Navigation data

The information systems of the software procedures belonging to this website acquire, in normal use, some personal data that is transmitted implicitly in the use of the protocol established by Internet communication. This regards information that is not collected to be associated with interested users, but by their nature could, through elaboration and association with data held by third parties, lead to the identification of the user.In this category of data, there are the IP addresses or the website names of users who connect to the website, URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of the requested source, the time of the request, the method used to send the request to the server, the dimension of the file obtained on return, the numerical code indicating the state of the response from the server, (error, received, etc.), and other parameters related to the operating system and the informative status of the user.These data will be used exclusively to retrieve anonymous statistical data from the website and to control the correct operation of the system. They are immediately canceled after the communication is elaborated. Nevertheless, the data might be used during the investigation of potential criminal use perpetrated using the website. Apart from this eventuality, website contacts do not last for more than seven days.

2. Data provided spontaneously by users / visitors

If the user or visitor, connecting to this website, sends his/her personal data with the intention of obtaining a particular service, or to request any other information via electronic mail services, this act permits Patricia Franceschetti to acquire said information from the address of the sender and even other data sent and/or personal data which in turn will be used exclusively to respond to the sender, that is for the sole purpose of providing information/service to the sender. The personal data of users and/or visitors will be furnished to third parties only if it is necessary to satisfy the request of the actual user or visitor.

3. Cookies

Cookies will not be used for the transfer of personal information, nor will cookies be employed in any way for use in tracing the location or other information pertaining to the user or visitors to this website. The use of instant cookies, those which become memorized persistently on the computer of the user or visitor and which disappear upon the closure of the browser, is strictly limited to the transmission process of identifying instant cookies (that which consists of casual numbers generated by the server) necessary to permit the secure and efficient exploration of the website. Instant cookies utilized in this site avoid recourse to other technical information potentially prejudicial to the reservation of the user or visitor’s navigation and do not allow the accumulation of the user or visitor’s personal data.

Method of treatment

Personal data are treated with automated instruments and for only that time needed to follow the purpose for which they were originally collected. Strict security measures are adhered to to prevent the loss of data, illicit or improper usage, and non-authorized access.

Place of data processing.

Apart from that data necessary for navigation, the user or visitor is free to supply his/her personal data. However, the omission of certain data might lead to the impossibility of responding to the request.

Place of data treatment

The processing date related to related to this website and to others connected with it, are domiciled at Patricia Franceschetti – Via Aurelia Sud, 47b 55045 Pietrasanta (LU) and are the property of the data processing titles and/or are domiciled at the location of the hosting company and the managing of the website is cared for by the technical personnel assigned to guarantee the correct functioning of the website or to those who are occasionally hired to perform maintenance activities on behalf of the owners of the website. No data deriving from the maintenance of the website will be communicated or distributed. The personal data furnished by the user or visitor that are submitted requesting the sending of informative materials are used exclusively in order to fulfill the aim of the request for professional advice or service and these are communicated to third parties only in case of necessity.

The owner of the Processing

The title of handling of personal data is Patricia Franceschetti – Via Aurelia Sud, 47b 55045 Pietrasanta (LU). It is possible to have an updated version of this document and an updated list of those responsible for the handling procedures by contacting the above-mentioned address.


Those who refer their personal data to Patricia Franceschetti, have, at any time, the right to obtain confirmation of the existence or not of his/her data and to know the content and origin of said information. Interested parties might also verify the exactness of any information supplied. They might also ask for an integration of said information, or an updating of it. They can also seek an adjustment of their information in accordance with Article 7, D.lgs 196/03 of the Italian Penal Code. The same law permits the user or visitor to cancel or to transfer anonymously or to block data handled in violation of the law, as well as to object regarding any case, for legitimate reasons, to their handling. Such requests must be presented to the data processing title holder at the above-mentioned address.